De Royce ~DALE~ Dj Barry Blends Indie Artist / Song Pick Of The Week
De Royce is the very 1st OFFICIAL Independent Artist to be inducted in this Blog section of Djbarryblends.com. WHY? Well, there’s plenty of reasons but lets just name a few. For one, he’s been putting in hard work for the longest and dedicated consistent gorilla grind is the #1 key in becoming a successful recognizable artist. Second thing is, his music is electrifying, exotic, with clever concepts and dope beats by his production team. De Royce’s latest song Dale is exactly what I’m talking about when i say EXOTIC SOUNDS! It gives you that feel of sitting by the water sipping something nice out of a pineapple with the person you’re highly attracted to. Scroll down some and press the play button and listen to it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW at Djbarryblends.com and follow his Instagram @Deroyceofficial to see what he does next.
Dj Barry Blends
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